Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"OBX Map Picture Find" - #7 Osprey


Ospreys are prevalent throughout the Outer Banks of North Carolina. These birds of prey are also known as Sea Hawks or Fish Hawks. It is not unusual to see Osprey on the OBX.

This Osprey was flying over the Roanoke Sound. The photograph was taken from the beach of an Outer Banks State Park. Do you know which town this Osprey was in? 

The Pampered Pets Guide "OBX Map Picture Find" is a fun way to find where Pampered Pets Guide took a picture on the Outer Banks. 

To find the location of where this photograph was taken, you will need to use the Pampered Pets Guide;

The clue for OBX Map Picture Find -#7 Osprey

This town is the only Outer Banks Town, that has an official Southern District. The Town's Name begins with the letter "N."

Town of   N _ _ _   _ _ _ _