OBX and Spaceship? Yes, actually this flying saucer, eye catcher, has been on the Outer Banks of North Carolina since the 1970s. And no matter where it is located this Spaceship has always drawn attention.
This Spaceship, which is actually a Futuro house, has traveled around the Outer Banks and served many purposes. Currently this Spaceship is located in a Village on Hatteras Island on the ocean side of NC Highway 12. But, which Village is this Spaceship in?
The Pampered Pets Guide "OBX Map Picture Find" is a fun way to find where the Pampered Pets Guide took a picture on the Outer Banks.
To find the location of where this photograph was taken, you will need to use the Pampered Pets Guide;
The clue for OBX Map Picture Find -#9 Spaceship is:
Traveling on NC Hwy 12 south on to Hatteras Island, this is the sixth Village. This Village's name starts with the letter 'F."
_ _ _ _ _ _ Village