Labor Day has come and gone and with it the time frame limiting the hours during which dogs are allowed on the beaches of the township of Kitty Hawk, NC have been lifted.
As well as leash lengths and unleashed supervised beach play is allowed as described in the
Kitty Hawk Beach Leash Laws.
The Town of Kitty Hawk Beach Leash Laws are as follows
Leash law requires leash not to exceed 6 ft. in length between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm from Friday, before Memorial Day until the day after Labor Day. At all other times the leash may be extended, but must be retractable to 12 ft. Well trained dogs may be unleashed under close supervision of owner, not to exceed 30 ft. in distance between owner and dog.
As the weather cools down the busy days of summer are at an end, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us.