Saturday, January 22, 2022

Paw Prints in the Snow - OBX Winter Storm

Paw Prints in the OBX Snow!
January 21, 2022, brought early closing announcements & crowded shopping to prepare for the winter storm quickly approaching the Outer Banks of NC.

Storms are nothing new to the Outer Banks; most locals already have hurricane prep & supplies at home. But a winter storm is not the same. The number one difference is the weather itself, the Cold. Losing power if it were to happen is not a big deal on the Outer Banks, but it is very different in the winter; firewood was in high demand, stacks were piled high in front of Grocery Stores, Hardware Stores & many more local retailers.

The roads and parking lots on the OBX were the color of white on Friday, the 21st of 2022. But the white on the streets & parking lots were not from Snow; it was Salt, white Salt everywhere, placed by the NCDOT - North Carolina Department of Transportation in anticipation of the coming Snow.

The cold wind and high gust of air whipped through the Outer Banks. The rain started to fall and progress in droplets melting; the Salt laid in preparation for the Snow. But the weather forecast still said Snow. Snow was coming to the Outer Banks; wait.

As the sunset drifted into the dark of night, the rains continued to fall, and many lost hope of seeing Snow. But sometime in the wee morning hours, the rain turned into Snow. A bright white dusting of Snow covered the parked cars and yards all over the Outer Banks.

Pampered Pets going outside this morning found Snow. The paw prints in the Snow were photographed on January 22, 2022, on the OBX. Due to the Outer Banks' unique location, separated from the mainland of North Carolina and the warm Gulf stream winds, the Outer Banks of NC does not see Snow as an annual event. So stay safe, warm & enjoy.