B Male
Bailey - (Middle English) Bailey is a variant of Bailiff, meaning "Agent of the Law/ Debt Collector."
Bandit - (American origin) Bandit means "Thief."
Banks- (Middle English) Banks means "Ridge or Hillside."
Bart - (English origin) Bart is the abbreviation for Baronet. a Rank of the British Order, being below a Baron and above a Knight. An example is Sir John Smith, Bart.
Bastain - (French origin) Bastain is a variant of Bastian, meaning "Revered."
Baxter - (Middle English) Baxter is a variant of Bakstere, meaning "Cook."
Bay - (English origin) Bay means "Sea Inlet."
Bear - (English origin) Bear is a variant of Bera, meaning "Bear."
Beau - (French origin) Beau means "Handsome."
Beaufort - (Location origin) Beaufort was established in 1713 & Incorporated in 1723; it is the fourth oldest town in North Carolina.
Beethoven - (Historical Figure) Ludwig van Beethoven (Baptized December 17, 1770 - died March 26, 1827) was a famous German composer still popular today.
Ben - (Hebrew origin) Ben means "Son."
Benny - (Latin origin) Benny means "Blessed."
Billy - (German origin) Billy is a variant of William meaning "Resolute Protector."
Bingo - (Song origin) Georgia, Senator Robert M. Charlton was the first to mention the Bingo song in the USA in 1842. However, the song has obscure origins. "There was a dog and Bingo was his name O."
Black Beard -(Historical Figure) Famed Pirate Black Beard was born Edward Teach in 1680 in Bristol, England. British Naval forces of Ocracoke Island killed him on November 22, 1718.
Blade - (English origin) Blade means "Sword."
Blake - (English origin) Blake is a variant of Blaker, a Village in Norway.
Boomerang - (Australian origin) Boomerang named by the indigenous Aborigines means "A curved flat piece of wood that when thrown will come back to you."
Boone - (Old French) Boone is a variant of Bon, meaning "Good."
Bran - (Welsh origin) Bran means "Raven."
Brandon - (Location origin) Brandon, Florida in the USA, Brandon City in Manitoba, Canada, and Brandon, England.
Brett - (Middle English origin) Brett is a variant of Breton, meaning the "Celtic People of Britain & Brittany France."
Brice - (Location origin) A small French Village located west of France bears the name of Saint Brice.
Bruce - (Historical Figure) King Robert the Bruce( 1274-1329) was King of the Scotts from 1306-1329.
Bruno - (Old German) Bruno is a variant of Brun, meaning "Brown."
Bryon -(Celtic origin) Bryon is a variant of Brigh, meaning "High/Noble."
Bubba - (American origin) Bubba means "Brother."
Buck - (English origin) Buck means "Deer."
Bud - (American origin) Bud is a variant of Buddy, meaning "Friend."
Buddy- (American origin) Buddy means "Friend."
Buford - (Location origin) The City of Buford is in Georgia, USA.
Butler -(Norman French origin) Butler is a variant of Boutelliller, meaning "Servant in charge of the Wine Cellar."
Buxton - (Location origin) Buxton, England & Buxton, North Carolina