Monday, November 8, 2021

Friends of Felines-Cape Hatteras Island "Fall TNR Update!"

photo by Friends of Felines -Cape Hatteras Island
Friends of Felines - Cape Hatteras Island are the caregivers of the feral cat colony on Hatteras Island. Food, Medical, and Population Control are priorities.

 There are two large TNR (Trap Neuter & Release) Clinics held annually by Friends of Felines - Cape Hatteras Island, one in the Spring and one in the Fall.

Seventy cats went through the April Spring TNR Clinic. In the most current TNR Clinic in October, Eighty-two cats went through the clinic, 36 females and 46 males. Thus, 2021 saw One hundred fifty-two successful TNR operations.

To learn more about TNR (Trap Neuter & Return) and the many ways that you could help. Please visit Friends of Felines - Cape Hatteras Island online at 

Please be aware that Friends of Felines- Cape Hatteras Island is a non-profit 301 (c) 3 organization and operates solely on donations from the public and small grants. Donations can easily be made online on the Friends of Felines - Cape Hatteras website. All help is greatly appreciated and helps continue the valued work of Friends of Felines - Cape Hatteras. The April 2022 TNR Clinic will be here soon; please consider any contribution that you can make.