Saturday, October 16, 2021

National Feral Cat Day - America's Cat

Feral Orange Tabby Cat on Garden Trellis
Today is October 16th, 2021, a day designated as National Feral Cat Day. Feral cats are part of American Culture. The American shorthair cat traces its linage back to European Colonization. 

The European Cat was highly valued on ships during the colonization of America. During that time, Cats protected the ship's ropes, grain, and food storage from rodents. Today feral cats are still highly valued on farms throughout our nation by continuing to fend off rodents.

But as urbanization took over and the world progressed. So the prized cat of yesteryear became the alley cat, the wild cat, the outside cat, and many other names. Still, the Colony of Cats in America survived.

Many caring people across America have not only noticed the feral cats hiding in the shadows and struggling to survive. These people have taken action to help these once prized felines.

Non-profit groups are forming all across America, dedicated to TNR (Trap Neuter & Return) and providing food and medical care for the feral cat colonies in our proud nation. By controlling the cat colony population & taking action, there is a much stronger chance that the wild cats of America will continue to survive for many generations to come.

There is much speculation about the current cat colony on Hatteras Island on the Outer Banks.  The first English Colony, the famous Lost Colony, was settled on Roanoke Island and did include domesticated animals, including the valued European Cat. Did the colonists and animals migrate to (Croatan)  Hatteras Island?

If you have not read  "The Lost Colony's Cats" and "Have the Lost Colony Cats been found?", please do. You can also learn about the current caretakers of the Cat Colony on Hatteras Island, Friends of Felines - Cape Hatteras, by reading about the most current TNR (Trap, Neuter & Release) Clinic by reading, "National Feral Cat Day on the Outer Banks".