This law went in to effect on September 1st, 2009.
Retailers on the Outer Banks of North Carolina with a square footage of 5,000 or larger or retailers with 5 or more outlets in the state are required to use paper bags with 100% recycled content or reusable bags.
The Counties included in this new environmental law are Currituck, Dare and Hyde counties.
However, retailers on the mainland of this counties would not be affected by this new law.
Townships affected by this law are
Currituck County the towns of (Corrolla & Sanderling),
Dare County the towns of (Avon, Buxton, Collington, Duck, Frisco, Hatteras, Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, Manteo, Nags Head, Rodanthe, Salvo, Southern Shores, Wanchese and Waves)
Hyde County the island of (Ocroacoke).
This new law will be enforced by the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources.
Customers will be offered incentives for using their own bags.
Help the Environment by using your own reusable bags.
Outer Barks located located at 1171 Duck Road, in the Scarborough Lane Shops in Duck, NC
has Outer Barks Tote Bags on hand and has been presenting them to Pampered Pet Club members with a $30.00 or more purchase for "FREE"!