On January 21, 2009 the snow began to fall on the Historic Beaches of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The Atlantic Ocean pounded the coastline as if applauding the snows arrival.
Shadow, a 1 year old spayed Black Lab, just knew something was up & couldn't wait to get outside & explore.
Shadow lives on the ocean front of Nags Head, NC and has been a resident for 1 year. Shadow is an only pet but her human Mom & Dad sometimes take her to see her real sisters Kona & Kokko & their human Mom’s & Dad’s.
As the snow fell on Shadow's nose and frost bit her little toes, her Dad took photographs to preserve Shadow's adventure.
A special thank you goes out to Shadow & her human Mom & Dad (Dr. & Mrs. Anthony) for sharing Shadow’s adventure in the snow. Photos by Dr. Anthony.